From the series

Colored photographs that capture children in their everyday lives in the village of Sornagaon in Bangladesh.
The photographs were taken in January 2017.


The first and third photos in the order we see them where part of the 17th INTERBIFEP (International Portrait Biennial) and are in the permanent collection of the International Portrait Gallery of Tuzla at the National Cultural Center in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


It is part of a large installation in space that frames my solo photography exhibition "The Tree and the River" at the Municipal Art Gallery LEFA of Nea Psychiko (February-April 2018).

The exhibition had another three photography installations. One had the subject of the Sadarghat River and the environmental pollution, the second was dealing with life in the provinces and the capital and the third the daily life of a school community.

A total of 160 photos were shown.




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